Oracle Application Server 10g (9.0.4) provides a productive Application Server
environment for developers to develop Internet Applications based on open standards.
Oracle HTTP Server includes the following new features and
- Based on Apache 1.3.28 to take advantage of latest optimizations
and security features
- Log file rotation
- SSL Session renegotiation
- nCipher SSL support
- AJP Port tunneling
- AJP over SSL support between OHS and OC4J
Oracle Application Server TopLink includes the following new features
and enhancements:
- Full compliance and support for the Oracle Application Server stack
- Productivity enhancements in Mapping Workbench (MW)
- New sessions editior
- Advanced query editor
- Improved support for source management systems
- Additional support Oracle9i DB Features (Hierarchical queries,
Hints, and improved LOB support)
- Upgraded Web Client, including Session Console functionality
- Support for WebSphere 5.0 (JTA)
Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) includes the
following new features and enhancements:
- J2EE 1.3 support
- JSP Standard Tag Library (JSTL) support
- Multimedia JSP Tag Library
- Tag Library Descriptor (TLD) caching
- Lightweight JMS support, fully JMS 1.0.2b compatible
- Startup and shutdown classes
- New logging mode
Oracle Application Server Web Services includes the following new
features and enhancements:
- SOAP headers and API
- SOAP fault support
- Enhanced interoperability
- XML Types, BLOBs, and CLOBs for PL/SQL Web services
- UDDI v2 support
Oracle Business Components for Java (BC4J) includes
the following new features and enhancements:
- Support for mapping business components to EJB 2.0 local entity
- Jakarta Struts support
- Support for application-level security using JAAS
- Runtime performance enhancements
Oracle Application Server Forms Services includes the following
new features and enhancements:
- Capacity to secure URL parameters
- Runtime Pre-start functionality for Improved startup performance
- Remote tracing from Enterprise Manager
- Enhanced Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory support
- JDK 1.4 support